A Boston with a Johnson: The Rescue/Recovery Boat Project

One of the things we’ve been looking for is a smallish, but rugged and stable utility boat for Kayak and Sail Lynn for “R&R” – rescue and recovery, and general towing and safety.  Thanks to some kind support from friends in Beverly we got hold of this sweet, ’60s vintage Boston Whaler 13′ with a solid trailer and a nice, strong Johnson 35hp outboard, in need of some basic TLC.

…and so it starts!  After some close inspection, we stripped the rotted woodwork and pulled the outboard off and started scraping the deck.  Here’s where we are so far:

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We’re doing a power-washing today, then it’s sanding, priming and painting with “Boston Whaler Blue” from George Kirby Paints in New Bedford.

Some views of the power washing action:

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Stay tuned, the next steps will be to fabricate new woodwork and give the outboard an nice tune-up.