Lots has been going on here in the Brickyard! Let’s see… here’s the rundown:
We’ve officially finalized our Board with the addition of Karen Chacon, an experienced non-profit administrator and developer, committed to all the things we love: youth development, education, community development, diversity and inclusion, and social justice, as well as enjoying a good pint, oh, and baseball. Meet our Board and our Team here: Meet the Team.
We’re going for it, and launching the Brickyard Free Bikes project. It’s simple, we teach people how to fix bikes by salvaging cast-off bikes, fix them up, then cycle them back to the community, bad puns included. Read more here: the Brickyard Free Bike project. Bicycles are high-volume, low yield waste for landfills, and this is a great way to keep them in the community, help people get around, and keep them getting used.
We’ve wrapped up our BrickStarter project, (and continued what seems to be an emerging tradition of bad puns) with over $2500 of donations and membership signups! This is huge! Not only does it give us some juice to buy some software and other stuff, but it shows how much y’all are excited about what we’re doing. THANKS to all our donors and new members!
We’ve had our first weekend of workshops, and are looking for the next two busy weekends – coming up, How to Make Soap, and Breadmaking. The response has been awesome, and we’re busy lining up the next round.
We’re in the process of placing around $5000 worth of digital imaging equipment into LaVida Scholars in downtown Lynn, so that kids can work with it this summer. This is a state-of-the-art workstation with a scanner, photo-quality printer, Wacom Cintiq tablet, the complete Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, and SketchUp Pro installed. We can’t wait to get this stuff into the hands of some budding young designers!
Courtesy of the Lynn Area Chamber of Commerce, we have a bunch of tickets for the local Collegiate baseball team, the North Shore Navigators, on June 9th, (first pitch is at 6pm) ’cause you can’t be busy in your shop all the time, now, can you? We have over 50 tickets available, so sign up on Eventbrite here. Join us for a great game and some burgers and dogs!
There’s more brewing… we’ve been saying “stay tuned” so much lately, it’s getting old even for us, but, well, stay tuned! It’s going to be a busy summer! We can’t really spill the beans right now about one event in particular, but let’s just say, keep the afternoon of June 16th open. You won’t regret it!
Keep making stuff. Take care of people, play nice and clean up after yourselves.
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