Meet the Maker: Tia Cole

Welcome to our new feature, Meet the Maker!  Learn a little more about us, who we are and what we’re doing…  leading off, Tia Cole of Hervor Soaps:

What’cha working on at the moment?

I’ve been small batch manufacturing soap for my artisan shop and creating ocean inspired home decor made with epoxy resin.

What are your plans for future projects?

I want to create more functional art made with wood, epoxy resin, and upcycled materials. This including tables, clocks, and kitchen items.

What’s your favorite thing about working at The Brickyard?

At The Brickyard I have access to equipment I otherwise can’t fit in my home or afford to buy. The most important part is the skill sharing between other members.

What’s the most unexpected thing about working at The Brickyard?

I had no idea of the variety of skills found in our city. The Brickyard has brought together a group of makers and fostered the exchanges of ideas an collaboration that makes us all stronger.

What would you say to people interested in joining?

The best part about The Brickyard Collaborative is the flexibility, you can come in and try it out, use the equipment and get guidance on any type of project. Everyone is friendly, welcoming and eager to share their knowledge.

Tell us a little about your background.

I’m an artist and maker that’s lived in Lynn my whole life.

See more from Tia at Hervor Soaps on Facebook, and recycledsOuls on Instagram.